Our Doctors

Dr. Keith Lyston graduate of University of Missouri – Saint Louis School Of Optometry. He is licensed to practice Optometry in Illinois and Missouri, currently a member of the American Optometric Association and the Illinois Optometric Association. Special interests in primary eyecare, contact lenses, eye health especially the treatment of dry eyes and glaucoma.

Dr. Bradley Martinson joined the Rose Optical team and has practiced Optometry since 2008. He completed an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering from Washington University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry (UMSL) in 2008. He is licensed in the states of Illinois and Missouri, with special interests in primary eye care and soft contact lenses. He is currently a member of the American Optometric Association and the Illinois Optometric Association.  Read Full Bio

Dr. Holly Klein earned her Bachelor of Chemistry from the Saint Louis University. She then went on to earn her Doctorate in Optometry from the University of Missouri-St. Louis College Class of 2009. She is licensed in Illinois and Missouri, currently a member of the American Optometric Association and the Illinois Optometric Association.  Read Full Bio

Dr. Mark Ferguson graduated with a Doctorate in Optometry from University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry in 1990. Dr. Ferguson started Professional Eye care with Rose Optical February of 1991. He is a member of American Optometric Association and Illinois Optometric Association.  Read Full Bio